Eurus Blockchain Airdrop Event. Eurus 区块链空投活动

Eurus Network
2 min readDec 28, 2021


Come to join our community to get Free EUN.

Eurus is celebrating the launch of the iOS and Android versions of Eurus Wallet. To express our gratitude, we invite all those who are interested in blockchain to join our airdrop event. Simply complete the activity task through our Telegram bot and submit your Eurus wallet address to get EUN.

Eurus 正在庆祝 Eurus 钱包的 iOS 和 Android 版本的推出。为表达我们的谢意,邀请所有对区块链感兴趣的人加入我们的空投活动。只需通过我们的 Telegram 机器人简单地完成活动任务并提交您的Eurus 钱包地址,将获得EUN 。

Airdrop date (活动日期) : 4/1/2022 to 25/1/2022

Bot Airdrop Link (活动链结) :

Total for airdrop (空投总量) : 100,000 EUN worth 10,000 USDT

Market (市场): Raijinswap

The 4,500 random participants get 20 EUN, The top 100 referrers get additional100 EUN. (4,500 名随机参与者获得 20 EUN,前 100 名推荐人额外获得 100 EUN。)

Reward distribution date: Within 7 days of airdrop ends (奖励发放日期:空投结束后7天内)

How to get Eurus Wallet?

There with 3 methods to create a Eurus Wallet. (参与者可以通过以下方法获得EURUS钱包)

  1. Web- based Version by MetaMask extension / browser ( URL: )
  2. H5 Version to create Wallet
  3. Download from Apple Store or Google Play

Learn More

Where to copy the wallet address for receiving the reward?

You able get the reward receiving address after “tap” receive then select Eurus blockchain. Then send the copied address to Eurus Airdrop bot.

(您可以在点击”收款”, 选择 Eurus 区块链后,获得奖励接收地址,然后将复制的地址发送给 Eurus Airdrop bot。)

What is EUN?

EUN tokens are digital assets constructed for Eurus to create a seamless encrypted transmission environment. Eurus is an open source blockchain network, that can complete transactions within 2 seconds. EUN is different from other cryptocurrency in that it is also a proof of Eurus economic contribution.

什么是EUN ?

EUN 代币是为Eurus 营造无缝加密传输环境而构建的数字资产。Eurus 是开源的区块链网络,是一种去中心化的区块链技术,可以在2 秒内完成交易。 EUN 与其他网络币不同,它也是Eurus 经济贡献证明。

Use of EUN Token

  1. Gas Fee
  2. Financial Product
  3. Nodes Stake
  4. Payment Gateway settlement
  5. Payment Coins
  6. Publish In-app Advertisement

Please visit our official website for EUN tokenomics.


  1. 燃料费
  2. 金融产品
  3. 节点权益
  4. 支付网关结算
  5. 支付币
  6. 在应用程式内发布广告

请访问我们的官方网站了解 EUN 代币经济学



Eurus Network
Eurus Network

Written by Eurus Network

Eurus Economic interoperability blockchain network to transfer digital assets / cryptocurrency across completed different consensus mechanism network.

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